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electric health

The biosphere in our planet has a “source code” that organizes electricity into harmonious life.

Syntrix helps the cells in your body tune in to that code, receiving the correct electromagnetic feedback to create & maintain vibrant health.

99% of the molecules in ​our cells are water

Water is the universal battery for living systems, and it is also the ​decoder and transmitter of key bioelectric signals that allow all ​living cells to cooperate towards harmonized life functions.

When the water in our cells is not being properly stored, nor ​conducting electricity, our vitality and health decrease, to be ​replaced by chronic discomfort or disease.

It’s not simple to restore intracellular water to its optimal function, ​but Syntrix systems allow you to “borrow” optimal water to be ​used inside your organs through trained microalgae & probiotics ​that will assist your own cells in their way to recovery.

Further “electric assistance” to your organs is obtained through ​the use of biogels and ionized vapor, which also act as borrowed ​or buffering water mediums to receive the internal & external ​harmonizing bioelectric signals that your body needs.

Standard yogurt

1 minute after sample

20 minutes after sample

Yogurt after Syntrix probiotic training

1 minute after sample

20 minutes after sample

THEre’s more to biology than what we have been told

Most of conventional and alternative medicine ​approaches health as a linear, input-based ​system. This means we expect that 1 specific ​therapy or medicine will produce 1 specific ​result: a complete restoration of our health.

In reality, human health is not a result, but an ​inter-relational process, where all the living ​beings in a particular environment bring together ​the electromagnetic feedback & exchange ​patterns that make life possible on Earth.

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where nature is not disrupted, an organized life intelligence produces health without effort

As humans we face a double challenge: we live disconnected from the syntropic (organized) electric information that is present in nature.

At the same time, we have altered the magnetic field of nature in many regions, and introduced artificial electrical noise.

Amidst constant environmental change, our body misses key electromagnetic information that it needs in order to update & repair itself.

Planet Earth's magnetic field
Woman Relaxing In Nature.

Cytoplasm (the inner gel of our cells) is the antennae that receives and transmits syntropic electrical signals.

When our electric “nutrition” has been deficient, however, the harmonized water molecules in this gel start losing their organization, and thus no longer transmit nor receive signals accurately.

Syntrix products are designed to cover two different ​and vital needs of our cells: for one part, our devices ​provide users with different forms of electric information ​(through light, vapor, sound and pulsation) that the body ​needs to function in a harmonious manner.

Just as important, our proprietary plant gels, together with our ​homeopathic training system for microalgae & probiotics, ​provide the body with buffer mediums to correctly absorb the ​bio-organized electricity offered by our therapy devices. This ​interim system induces syntropy while the inner gel of the ​user’s cells recovers, and is able to perform bio-electric ​modulation without external assistance.

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our health protocols ​are process-based, ​with 4 progresive ​stages of syntropic ​modulation:


A next generation homeopathic system that trains ​microalgae and probiotics to deliver the maximum ​amount of syntropic energy to the cells in our gut ​microbiome, triggering a harmonizing chain reaction ​that enhances the vitality and health of the ​microbiome and cells in our whole body.


Light and vapor devices that provide users with ​syntropic forms of energy, which is more easily ​absorbed thanks to its modulation by plant ​frequencies imprinted in Quinton plasma.


Night-long hydration on our low pulse electro-​puncture mat, whose nano terminals allow the user ​to absorb our proprietary aloe vera & microalgae ​biogel for buffering energy into the body.


Phototerapy sessions in our ​syntropic solarium, where ​users can absorb a high rate ​of biophotons thanks to the ​combined action of our ​buffer gel and harmonic ​sunlight frequencies.

we’d love to hear from you

We collaborate with different health practitioners for the implementation of our model, and our first two centers in Mexico are already operational as part of our first direct-to-consumer brand:

Quantum Biome.

If you’re interested to know more about the details of our technology, and our current stage of R&D, feel free to drop us a line, and ask away.


+52 712 197 1269

Research Center

Morelos 7, Jiquipilco, México, CP 50800.

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